Kamis, 22 September 2016

favofite selfie

Why is this photo. This photo is in Sambas Palace. Why in
Sambas Palace. Sambas Palace is a very sacred place in Sambas district. The
kingdom of Sambas is evidence that the kingdom of Islam had triumphed in Sambas
district. Sambas Palace more accurately called Al-watzikhobillah palace, which
was built during the reign of the title Raden sulaiman sultan muhammad
syafi'uddin 1. Sambas Palace has several times in loading and until recently
Sambas Palace about 200 years old. Sambas Palace is located at the confluence
of three rivers, namely rivers Sambas, Subah river, and the river reeds. Sambas
Palace is a place that must be visited by almost all communities of Sambas even
by people outside Sambas. This photo is very special for me. Why ? , From
childhood I was very eager to go to the palace Sambas. From small even to grade
12 high school I also have never been there. This further makes me want to go
once to the palace Sambas, but it has not materialized. And in the end it was
also true when I had graduated from high school. During the period that my
dream was finally achieved as well. At that time I was very happy to go to the
place I dreamed .And there I can immortalize one precious moment. This is one
of the photos that are important in my life.

                                   thank's for reading my article

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