Kamis, 17 November 2016

Schoolwork Article

AUG 2016 PAGE 038
Everyone has a teory on the best way to learn about a person. It's how they treat the  server at the restaurant, or how they act when they're drunk. But according to MIT engineer carlo ratti, you can tell the most about someone by sampling their microbiome and ''the sewage system is the great aggregator''. Gross, sure,but ratti is studying waste to understand everything from heroin use to antibiotic-resistant bacteria-and all with the help of a sewer-slurping robot named luigi.
The potential is obvious: if there's an outbreak of the flu virus,the pipes will be the first to know. But waste also carries drug metabolites,DNA,even  biomarkers for diabetes-and all that data is available in real time. That's the aim of the MIT-sponsored under worlds project,which began with a pilot program in cambridge,massachusetts. Of course,there's the problem of,uh,colection. It's dangerous to be leaning over an manhole holding a zo-foot sampling hole,''says mariana matus, a researcher on the project.''And then you have a bottle that's dripping with sewage''. ''Enter luigi, directed gadgets that the under worlds team envisios in a smart sewer system.''And with underworlds preparing to expand to greater boston and kuwait city later this years,the promise is huge.''Often,data from the people with the most problems isn't recorded,because they don't go to the doctor,''matus says. Now public health can be priority number one-thanks to plentiful number two-Emma Grey Ellis.
1. Slurping = Menghirup 11.Dripping = Menitis
2. Plentiful = Berlimpah 12. Pumping = Memompa
3. Greater = Terbesar 13. Captures =  Penangkapan
4. Manhole = Lubang got 14. Extraction = Pencabutan
5. Researher = Peneliti         15. Expand = Memperluas
6. Carries = Membawa 16. Fluid   = Cairan
7. Envisios = Memimpika 17. Holding = Memegang
8. Obvious = Nyata 18. Leaning = Condong
9. Sewage = Kotoran 19. Priority = Prioritas
10. Resistent = Ketahanan 20. Straight = Lurus

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